Monday, December 17, 2012

Mission, um . . . Possible?

In 61 days, I will be on my way to a tropical escape. Far from Michigan's cold, dreary February winter to spend a week with family. On a beach.  In a bathing suit. yikes.

So it's the perfect goal to turn my slightly, uh, "jolly" self into a slightly less jiggly version, right?

Sure, why not? We are smack in the middle of the season that is fraught with holiday parties, buffets, chocolates, cookies, and other delightful (de-fat-ful?) treats.

Then again, maybe it's the perfect time?  With my new goal of "exercise for 10 minutes every day" I have been able to work in working out for 80% of the last 45 days (And most of the days I do more than 10 minutes, anyway).  Plus, if I can persevere through this season - the other seasons should be a breeze! *cough*

So since I am a list girl, here are some of my benefits of exercise - especially now! 

Reasons to Exercise 

1.  Keep blood sugars lower/more level.
  (a)    Need less insulin.
(i)     Saves money! (yep, I am that frugally minded)
  (b)    Covers up any mathematical errors I make in counting carbs.
  (c)    Keep moods more even.
(i)     Less lethargic.
(ii)    Less moody (sugar, caffeine, chocolate, and roller-coaster blood sugars   
         also effect that).
(iii)    Encourage healthy trains of thought.       
(iv)    More mentally focused.
(d)   Less likely chance of enduring complicated complications.
(i)     Keep my vision.
(ii)    Keep my nerve endings.
(iii)   Keep my limbs and feet intact.
(iv)   Keep my organs pumping.
(v)    Live longer.  (Inasmuch as I can control!)
(vi)   Live better.
2.  Healthier cardio system.
3.  Make for a more fit body. (uh, yeah, I wouldn't mind looking good too!)

With visions of bathing suits dancing in my head, and a stronger self awaiting, here we go!

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